Pepper Spray For Self Defense For Ladies


Things have become more difficult these days, between the terrible economy and people being more stressed by life, bills, problems, etc. There are more scams, identity thefts, stolen wallets and purses, shoplifting accidents, and so forth.

The sad thing is, that although crime does not pay, some normally nice people get to feeling like they have no other choice, and they attempt something that is criminal in nature. For this reason, many folks are beginning to carry pepper sprays, personal alerts, whistles, stun guns and other personal protection items.

Here is an example … Two college aged men, may feel that they need to get some money, and they decide to wait and lurk around in a big parking lot of a department store to have a chance to simply steal a purse from a Woman who is by herself.

After the sun goes down, they want to find a younger lady, leaving the store by herself, then catch her guard, and grabher purse then run, hop in the car, and take off. They do not want to hurt her, mind you, they just want to grab her money and get out of there. After all, they have never done anything like this before, but things are so tough, they feel as though they have no other choice. They are not even carrying any type of weapon.

Here comes a twenty year old college student, who just left the store with a few packs of Chinese noodle soup (you know the one) that she bought with her only dollar and despite the guys hiding behind the trees do not know it, she Has no other money. The men think that she might have some money, because she is driving a nice car that her dad bought her after she graduated high school with perfect grades.

So These guys think she will be an easy mark, to knock down and take the purse and flee the scene. Little do know, that she is carrying a pepper spray, and up until now, she has never had to use it!

So, as the girl approaches her car, the two men begin walking quickly towards her. She sees them coming her way, sensations that something is going on, reaches into her pocket and grabs the pepper spray key chain that her dad bought her before she left for school, and turns the safety catch so that it is now in the position to Be shot at someone.

When the guys get closer, they call out "hey girl" and she shouts "please get away from me!" But they keep walking towards her, so now she, who is unaware that they only want her purse, is feeling the fight or the slight feeling of fear that people get when they know something is going on. She pulls out the little trusted friend in her pocket, points it at the closer of the two boys, and presses the trigger, much like that on a can of bug spray. A powerful stream shoots eight feet and right into the face of the first boy, who immediately starts screaming, as he grabs his face with his hands. He has trouble breathing, his eyes are now shut tight, he is coughing and choking, and it stopped him in his tracks!

The second boy is stunned by the observation of this and is just standing there shocked. She then points it at him, and he shouts "no" as she pushes down once again, and deploys a stream of the powerful pepper spray into his face. His actions imitate the first boy. His hands on his face, trying to rub his eyes, which only makes it worse, rubbing the solution into his eyes even more. They both drop to their knees, coughing and even crying, with troubled breathing.

Luckily the girl is then able to get in her car, start the motor, and get the heck out of there! As she drives away quickly she thinks about how nice it was of her dad to get her that little key chain pepper spray! She surprised how much it cost? $ 20 $ 30? Whatever it was, it was money well spent, because it may have saved her life. She had no idea what those two boys had in mind, and she was not going to find out.

The two boys only suffered for 30 or 40 minutes, as the pepper spray does not cause any long term effects or harm. They sure did learn a lesson though, and may never try something like that again. Thank goodness that things worked out, at least for the girl.

If you or someone you know, needs some great pepper sprays and any other personal protection items, please visit the website as they have everything you need in the way of personal protection items. They offer fast service, quality products, and reasonable prices, so visit them today!

Source by Joe Sager

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